How PoppaDoc Press Started

How PoppaDoc Press Started

Hi, I'm Darin Harris, and this is the story of how PoppaDoc Press got started. I had told my wife for years, "I want to be a writer." One day, I guess she heard me say it enough and responded, "If you want to be a writer, sit down and write something or quit talking about it." So I did.

Over time, I had a couple of books published by a small publishing company - that went out of business a few months later (I don't think the two were related :-).). That was a discouraging time and I just didn't have it in me to chase after more book deals. BUT, I never stopped writing.

After twelve years, I had quite a few manuscripts written, safely stored on computer files or scribbled in yellow legal pads (still my preferred way to write, and how I am writing this little tale right now.). That brings us to 2023, when the idea of PoppaDoc Press was started.

The name came about when my first granddaughter was born. My son was asking what I wanted her to call me. He suggested "Poppa." I wasn't so sure. My daughter-in-law new all my students called me "Doc," and so as a joke she said I could be called "PoppaDoc." We all laughed, but later when I self-published a book and dedicated it to Evy (my granddaughter) I created the logo for PoppaDoc Press.

I write books and publish books, but in my spare time, I am also a middle school media specialist. I hosted a book fair for our school about this same time, and I was surprised and frustrated at the number of books being sold that covered themes I would never have wanted my own sons to read about. I realized PoppaDoc Press couldn't be just about me publishing my own books. Kids and families need wholesome books that encourage goodness and purity from a variety of authors.

So, PoppaDoc Press became a reality. We strive to be a God-honoring, family-friendly publisher of books for kids, teens, and adults. And if you made it this far into the story, we are so excited to have along on the adventure!

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